A healthy body maintained by good nutrition, regular exercise, the avoidance of harmful habits, informed and responsible decisions about health, and medical assistance when necessary. Physical wellness requires a well-balanced diet, plenty of exercise, a healthy weight, sleep, avoidance of risky sexual behaviors, limited exposure to environmental contaminants, and restricted intake of harmful substances such as alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs. Developing healthy habits today will not only add years to your life, but will enhance the enjoyment and quality of those years.
A state in which your mind is engaged in lively interaction with the world around you. Intellectual wellness involves unbridled curiosity, ongoing learning, and openness to new concepts and ideas. This dimension of wellness implies that you can apply the things that you have learned and create opportunities to learn more.
The ability to understand your own feelings, accept your limitations, achieve emotional stability, and become comfortable with your emotions. Emotional wellness relates to the ability to express emotions appropriately, adjust to change, cope with stress in a healthy way, and enjoy life despite disappointments and frustration.
The ability to cultivate communication skills, develop intimacy with others, and create a support network of friends and family members who care about and love you for who you are. Includes forming and contributing to positive relationships of mutual respect as well as comfortably and effectively performing a variety of group and/or leadership roles.
The sense that life is meaningful and has a purpose; the ethics, values, and morals that guide us and give meaning and direction to life. It involves faith, hope, and commitment to your individual’s beliefs that provides a sense of meaning and purpose.
Preparing and making use of your skills and talents in order to gain purpose, happiness, and enrichment in your life. Occupational wellness means successfully integrating a commitment to your occupation into a satisfying and rewarding lifestyle or career. The development of occupational satisfaction and wellness is strongly related to your attitude about your work.
The capability to live in and positively contribute to a clean and safe environment that is not detrimental to health. To enjoy environmental wellness we require clean air, pure water, quality food, adequate shelter, satisfactory work conditions, personal safety, and healthy relationships.
Jayna Bonnette, BS
Health Education Program Coordinator
Email | 409-880-8466
On campus: (409) 880-7777
or use emergency phones (poles with blue lights)
Off campus: 911
Phone: (409) 880-8466
Fax: (409) 880-7703
Email: shc@madsoluciones.com
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Beaumont, TX 77705
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